Chris Beardshaw hails Complete Gardens CD-ROM gardening resource as `the next best thing to having your own private gardener`
Released on = September 8, 2006, 3:33 am
Press Release Author = Complete Gardens CD-ROM Ltd
Industry = Agriculture
Press Release Summary = Complete Gardens plant selector & pruning guide encyclopaedia CD-ROM receives rave reviews from UK gardening publications and gardeners such as Chris Beardshaw Chelsea 2006 Gold Award winning Garden Designer
Press Release Body = Oxford, UK - Complete Gardens CD-ROM Ltd announces the launch of its new informative gardening encyclopaedia website featuring the leading CD-ROM resources for UK gardeners. The new website is designed to make it easier for gardeners to explore, test and purchase the most powerful and attractive gardening resource available on CD-ROM. Chelsea 2006 Gold award winning Garden Designer Chris Beardshaw described the Complete Gardens CD-ROM as "the next best thing to having your own private gardener."
For more information visit: or call: 01865 512561.
Everything for seasoned and amateur garden enthusiasts
The Complete Gardens plant selector and pruning guide is powerful plant resource software designed to help gardeners quickly and easily find and select plants to suit their requirements and specific garden conditions. The plant care and pruning advice on the encyclopaedia CD-ROM shows gardeners how to look after them, and is the only British made garden planner that is compatible with both PC and MAC.
The Complete Gardens CD-ROM has been acclaimed by Computer Active Magazine as the leading garden software, winning a top 5 star rating in a 2006 product comparison; "Complete Gardens has everything for garden enthusiasts, whatever their level, and is particular value because of its UK focus." BBC Gardener's World featured the product, saying: "This CD-ROM is a great resource. a pleasure to use."
About Complete Gardens CD-ROM
Complete Gardens is the leading CD-ROM encyclopaedia resource for UK gardeners. This powerful gardening aid and garden planning software includes a plant selector and pruning guide designed specifically for the UK gardener and has recently been updated to include new plant varieties to cope with climate changes. The step-by-step illustrations and advice on the CD-ROM are designed to make any beginner into a confident gardener. Complete Gardens has been developed by Neil Bromhall, the Emmy Award Winning cameraman on David Attenborough's \'Private Life of Plants\', and is lavishly illustrated with over 7,200 stunning photographs to aid identification and seasonal changes. The CD-ROM features over 2,700 UK garden plants ranging from alpines to trees, with the addition of 246 drought tolerant plants.
The Complete Gardens encyclopaedia CD-ROM has received rave reviews from gardeners and gardening publications. Chris Beardshaw, the Chelsea 2006 Gold Award winning Garden Designer writes: "This CD-ROM is the next best thing to having your own private gardener." The Times was impressed with Complete Gardens, describing it as containing: "startlingly lovely photography. compiled with astonishing care." Awarded the top 5 Star rating by Computer Active Magazine 2006, and featured on BBC TV's Gardener's World, the Complete Gardens CD-ROM is an essential resource for accomplished and novice gardeners alike.
Contact Details
Neil Bromhall
Phone: 01865 512561 Web:
Complete Gardens CD-ROM Ltd 40, Davenant Road Oxford OX2 8BY United Kingdom
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Contact Details = Neil Bromhall Complete Gardens CD-ROM Ltd 40, Davenant Road, Oxford, OX2 8BY 01865 512561
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